People throwing graduation caps

What Happens When I Leave Coventry University?

Whether you’ve graduated from university or are a staff member moving on to pastures new, it’s good to know that you can take all of your Coventry.Domains content with you when you leave Coventry University.

Can I continue to use my Coventry.Domains account after I leave?

Unfortunately not. Each Coventry.Domains account costs the university a monthly fee, so it’s not sustainable for us to keep your account open indefinitely after you leave the university. Exactly how long your account will remain active depends on whether you’re a student or a member of staff.

Leaving Coventry University

Information for Students

Your account will remain open until a member of the Coventry.Domains team reviews all of our active accounts, which is done at a few key times during the year, typically around the beginning or end of term. At that time, if we find you’re no longer eligible to have an account (i.e. you’ve completed or left a course signed up for Coventry.Domains), we’ll do our best to get in touch with you via your university email to let you know we’re closing your account.

If there has been a long gap between the end of your course and our review, we may terminate your account without contacting you if your university email address is no longer in use.

What if I’m pursuing another qualification at Coventry University?

If this is the case, we may be able to keep your account open while you continue to study. Please contact us if this is the case.

Information for Staff

Because your Coventry.Domains account is linked to the single sign-on system, your account will cease to be accessible as soon as IT services deactivates your university username and password, which normally happens very shortly after the end of your employment with the university.

If you are planning on leaving the university please get in touch with our team so we can advise on how to take your Coventry.Domains content with you.

How can I take my website(s) and content with me?

Fortunately, you have a few options for moving your work when you leave Coventry University.

  • Transfer your WordPress content to (free)
  • Transfer your complete WordPress website to a paid hosting provider
  • Transfer your entire cPanel to a paid hosting provider
  • Download your content for future use
